Vitamin D.

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          Believe it or not, almost 50% of Thais are vitamin D deficient even though we live under the scorching sun. While 71.4% of Bangkokians are vitamin D deficient. The main cause is working in an office where we don’t get much exposure to sunlight. When going outside, we try to avoid the sun by wearing protective clothing and applying sunscreen regularly health. This causes the level in the blood to be insufficient. So

          how is vitamin D important? สมัคร UFABET works with vitamin K to store calcium in bones and teeth, promotes strong bones, as well as maintains muscle fibers that make muscles stronger, prevents falls in the elderly, and helps enhance the immune system. It helps the brain release serotonin, which reduces stress and depression, as well as increases the secretion of insulin, balancing blood sugar, which helps prevent diabetes.

          There are 2 forms of vitamin D: vitamin D2, found in mushrooms and yeast, and vitamin D3. Which the body synthesizes from exposure to sunlight. And is more effective than vitamin D2 because it can increase blood levels of vitamin D 56-87% more than vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 is stored in fat tissue 3 times better than vitamin D2 

          . Therefore, you should add vitamin D3 by getting out in the sun in the morning or evening for about 15-20 minutes. Without applying sunscreen or eating liver, egg yolks, or taking vitamin D3 supplements. So that the body does not lack this important nutrient.