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Benefits of pineapple.

Although it is a bit hard and astringent. I would say that the pineapple core or the center of the pineapple is the source of nutrients in pineapple. Especially the enzyme bromelain, which is actually found in all parts of the pineapple. But is found

Gotu Kola Benefits.

Gotu kola is an ancient Chinese herb that we have heard of for a long time. Here are the properties of Gotu kola that will make you love this herb even more health. 1. Solve varicose veins problems           When blood vessels lose their elasticity,

How to quickly reduce bruises?

  Bruises, when they occur on the body, are not very beautiful. Some people want to find ways to reduce bruises and make them heal faster with restorative foods that contain some important nutrients. Apply cold compresses to the bruise for 10-20 minutes 3-4 times a day for

Vitamin D.

          Believe it or not, almost 50% of Thais are vitamin D deficient even though we live under the scorching sun. While 71.4% of Bangkokians are vitamin D deficient. The main cause is working in an office where we don’t get

Yoro rejected Madrid offer to move to Man Utd.

Yoro rejected Madrid’s offer to move to Man Utd. Revealed the reason why Leni Lloro rejected an offer from Real Madrid last summer before deciding to move to Manchester United later for a fee ยูฟ่าเบท of around 52 million pounds. Marca revealed that the main reason