that is a person with a soft element (easy diarrhea) and hard elements (rarely diarrhea or rarely taken) is it real or not? What is the cause?
Each person has different excretion characteristics. It depends on many factors including:
- food If eaten with a lot of fiber, it will be easy to excrete.
- Drinking less water will make the stool hard and difficult to defecate.
- Existing underlying diseases such as diabetes, thyroid disease can cause both constipation and diarrhea
- Some medications cause constipation, some cause diarrhea.
- bathroom habits and the hustle and bustle of everyday life If you don’t excrete for a time or holding stools often It will make people less constipated.
- Diarrhea or constipation associated with abdominal pain May be cause by abnormal intestinal peristalsis in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
If you are a person with a soft element or frequent diarrhea Will it be harmful or harmful to our body in the long run or not? ยูฟ่าเบท
The words frequent diarrhea and those with weak element meanings may not be directly similar.
frequent diarrhea is a symptom that occurs must first consider whether the diarrhea is cause by a physical disease or not, such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease (Inflammatory Bowel Disease; IBD), enzyme deficiency in digestion (Malabsorption syndromes) or chronic infection, etc. Characteristics of the stool that can indicate that there is a physical disease for sure, such as passing blood in the stool. Shoot as it floats The diarrhea with the above causes. Upon physical examination and additional laboratory tests. Blood abnormalities are of found. Or malnutrition In addition, there may be symptoms in other parts of the body, such as joint pain, skin rash, or fever, etc. Those with such symptoms and symptoms should consult a specialist doctor. and consider additional diagnostic tests
As for the word people with weak elements here, it means people who have frequent defecation. without detecting any physical abnormalities Most often caused by abnormal bowel contractions. is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Have a blood test and normal absorption of nutrients But there may be other symptoms such as abdominal pain or bloating. which affects the quality of daily life People with such symptoms can seek advice from a specialized doctor. in order to improve symptoms and improve the quality of life
People who have hard elements rarely take stools if they take laxatives often, enema, or eat foods that help them to pass easily often. Will it be harmful to health in the long run?
hard elemental person rarely defecating should start with every behavioral adjustment, namely
- go to the bathroom on time
- You should not hold your stool for a long time.
- Eat fiber-rich foods and drink enough water.
- Laxatives can be used as needed but should not be used regularly.
There are many types of laxatives. And multiple dosage forms If you need to use laxatives on a regular basis. Consult with a medical professional to recommend the appropriate type of laxative for each individual case. Enema laxatives should be use sparingly. Not recommended for daily use.
If there is a problem of excretion on a regular basis taken too often constipation too often or may be alternating diarrhea and constipation Rarely taken as usual. Should consult a doctor to diagnose the root cause. and continue treatment