Benefits of pineapple.

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Although it is a bit hard and astringent. I would say that the pineapple core or the center of the pineapple is the source of nutrients in pineapple. Especially the enzyme bromelain, which is actually found in all parts of the pineapple. But is found the most in the core. This substance has many benefits, namely:

– It helps digest food. If you eat a lot of meat in a meal and feel gassy or bloated. Eating pineapple after a meal will help reduce these symptoms.สมัคร ufabet 

– It helps heal wounds and reduce inflammation of the stomach and intestines. Because the enzyme bromelain has a mild antiseptic effect that destroys unhealthy bacteria.

– It helps the digestive system work at its best because it has a mild laxative effect and is high in fiber. Which helps relieve constipation. However, you should not eat too much because it will cause diarrhea instead.

– It has a diuretic effect, relieves dysuria, and reduces the cause of cystitis. Which helps prevent the formation of kidney stones.

– It may help reduce joint pain and inflammation after exercising or playing heavy sports

. – It helps prevent cardiovascular disease, stroke, and paralysis. Because the enzyme bromelain helps reduce the clumping of platelets into blood clots

. – It increases the body’s immunity, and fights cancer because bromelain causes white blood cells to release cytokines. That allows white blood cells to eliminate cancer cells, helping reduce the chances of getting lung cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer